Tech Talk Live with Eric Show #22 April 13 2015. This week we cover the weekly news from the #Maker and #Tech world. As well we cover some big news for the MKme Community as a whole.
Here is the live broadcast video:
Here are the show notes/links to the content discussed this week:
Tech News:
Windows SMB Flaw:
Viewer Challenge- What are you Making???
Dirk’s Reflow Oven can be found in the G+ community
3D Printer News/Projects:
3D Printable Mobius Camera Case
3D printer- Gigabot:
From the Community:
Drones planting trees?
Low Cost Mini Quad:
HackRF Software Defined Radio:
Arduino Pop Can Keyboard:
How to land on a comet:
Making perfect jumper wires for your projects: