Tech Talk Live with Eric YouTube Show #17 March 9 2015. This week we cover the weekly news from the #Maker and #Tech world. As well we cover some big news for the MKme Community as a whole.
This show is for anyone out there who is a Maker, designer, creator hobbyist etc. Anything goes here. Just good fun Tech related items
Here is the live broadcast video:
Here are the show notes/links to the content discussed this week:
Tech News:
Apple Watch is here
Chappie Movie- Brining AI to life in the movie:
Viewer Challenge- What are you Making???
Arduino Speed Bag Counter
#WithoutBorders DIY Portable Solar Powered vaccine/medication cooler
LeRoy’s Hero Jr Robot Build:
Using ESP8266 to get time from a TimeServer:
3D Printer News/Projects:
Custom Hat graphic with 3D printer:
3D Thursday Hangout:
Tested- 3D print coating test:
DIY ARC Furnace
ESP8266 More web server using Arduino
Timer circuit/microcontroller build:
Open ROV Technical Details:
The Hacksmith CAD garage design:
Eric from live on the Amateur Radio Round-Table Show:
Low power UHF transmitter with electret mic: