Work on the InMoov Robot Arm

Did some work on the InMoov 3D printed robotic arm recently.  I had been meaning to get around to fixing a servo issue I have had since I initially assembled the arm.  Basically for my setup- I need to ensure all servos stop before their limits to avoid buring them out.

I concluded some time ago that this particular arm would not be suited for assembly into the entire robot build (which I’m not sure I will do yet).  The arm has a few pieces with strength and quality concerns so I decided I would use it exclusively for my DIY brain/robot interface project.  The arm and brain interface may work out well for a DIY medical recovery/training type tool or some other application.

Here is the video of my servo adjustment.  Some fingers have some travel issues but the adjustments in the code prevent any harm to the servos as a result.
