This weekend at Dogpatch Studios in San Francisco the Hackaday Superconference attracted many people from all over the world (including me).
I was fortunate enough to have my Gas Sensor for Emergency Workers included in the top 10 finalists for the 2015 Hackaday Prize. On Saturday night we all eagerly awaited the final announcement of the 2015 Hackaday Prize winners.

Here is the recap of the 2015 finalists in video form from Hackaday:
My entry placed fourth overall which is a HUGE honor! Congrats to all the other prize winners and everyone who was involved with the conference this year.
The Hackaday staff and volunteers did an amazing job! The talks, workshops and prize announcement went amazingly. Everyone had a great time and I think we all look forward to the next Superconference.
Saturday night there was even a fireside chat with Grant Imahara during which he shared some of his amazing history and knowledge. Afterward he stayed around so all could get a photo and have a chat.

I am thuroughly looking forward to the next gathering and am truly thankful I was able to participate in the event. Thanks Hackaday!