Tue Nano VNA V2 is a fantastic tool for the job and is affordable enough just about everyone can afford it. N
I was inspired by the constant stream of search and rescue operations on the television show “North Woods Law”. Each week they struggled to find lost people in the remote/rugged areas of Maine U.S.A. These areas often have no cellular service but in almost every case the target people had cellphones on them and working. As I live in Canada- we have a surplus of these situations in our vast wilderness as well. I theorized I could use an external 2.4GHz antenna to receive the AP beacon frames from those phones ad capture that data.
This hardware can be embedded in to any very small drone or RC aircraft. It can also be attached to existing manned aircraft already participating in the search.
Using small drone aircraft (like the Nano Talon I use here) gives all the advantages such as flight condition tolerance, height, terrain, time of day etc that drones have over manned aircraft. They can also be sent on the full way-point mission without human intervention and tracked live from any ground station.
What it does (both air unit and ground unit W yagi):
- Detects all Beacons and their mac addresses within range
- Detects All AP’s in range (not needed but why not log them anyhow)
- Gets GPS Lat/Long positioning
- Gets GPS UTC Time
- Logs all the above to the SD card .csv file every time any device detected changes
- Displays the number of clients detected, APs detected, time and Lat/Long on the OLED screen live.
- Air unit will eventually send telemetry to ground control for live alerts (likely using existing 433MHz telemetry already sending flight data)
I started this build in 2018 and have proven out the Nano Talon airrframe to be a very worthy commercial candidate with good payload and HUGE flight times while operating fully autonomously. The Nano Talon breaks down small for easy transport/storage.
So far I am using the Wedmos D1 mini PRO with an external antenna (YAGI or Rubber duck) to receive the beacon frames, log them to SD Card with RSSI values (adds more precise direction finding if you fly a grid pattern) to review the MAC address list as well as plot with Google Earth/maps. I can easily transmit this via LORA or NRF module to the ground instantly as well. This will be logged as a separate version of the hardware.
I will update this and post the videos as we move forward with publishing (this will take me some time to document properly)
Overview Part:1
FREE Radio Frequency Guide For All
WIRELESS 433MHz Aircraft Control & Telemetry- iNav 3DR Radio WORKS!
MKME TV is LIVE 24/7!
For some time now I have been working to lay the groundwork for our own networks and community collaboration tools. One piece of that I had planned was our own TV network for broadcasting our content live 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Back in May I set up the MKME Live YouTube channel (separate from the MKME Lab and MKME Media channels). This week I finally had enough funds to purchase the PC hardware needed to get the channel up and broadcasting!
The channel is up and right now is broadcasting all the archives from the MKME Lab YouTube channel. Certain days I will devote to certain topics (today is RC Saturday with all aircraft and drones/FPV videos)
As time goes on I will hopefully have content created by others in the MKME Community. The channel will become a tunnel through which we can all reach the world.
I have many more plans under development. Stay tuned!
Community Blog Submissions
An exciting new development for the site is that anyone can now submit blog posts they wish to see on the site. Complete the form below with a well written article and you will see it hosted forever on this site.
Accreditation is given to each and every author as well as a link to the URL of their choosing.
Here is the direct link: MKme.org Blog Submission Form
Tech Talk Live with Eric Show #30 June 08 2015
Tech Talk Live with Eric Show #30 June 08 2015. This week we cover the weekly news from the #Maker and #Tech world. As well we cover some big news for the MKme Community as a whole.
Here is the live broadcast video:
Here are the show notes/links to the content discussed this week:
Tech News:
LightSail Deployment from TPS HQ
Tech Minute – Monitor your kids’ time online
NASA Could Soon Borrow Cell Towers To Track Drones
CNET Top 5 – Ways to improve your home network
Google Chrome’s Next Mission: Stop Auto-Playing Flash Ads
Falling Back to Earth | HD Footage From Space
Viewer Challenge- What are you Making???
G+ Community here:
Wireless Power using Sparks – 100KV of fun with LEDs
3D Printer News/Projects:
Robyn Inmoov pressure sensors part 3
From the Community:
HEADPLAY HD – FPV Head Mounted Display Goggles – Part 1
MSFSX And Link2FS #2 – Inputs From Arduino
OpenSesame – hacking garages in seconds using a Mattel toy
Why I started a YouTube channel
K2NCC’s first “circuit” – Radio Shack Electronics Learning Kit
EEVblog #751 – How To Debunk A Product (The Batteriser)
Transmitting Sound using Sunlight – The Photophone
What Are These Point To Point Microwave Links For?
Arduino Project: GPS datalogger with GPS shield tutorial on Arduino Uno and kayak
Faster than Last Year
TRRS #0582 – Scanner Gone Defeat Again
The Phoenix Hunter-Scratchbuilt FPV Wing | AudaciousRC Ep.1
Electronic Basics #13: Coils / Inductors (Part 2) || Reactance